ashley jordan pierce

Godly Expectations

ashley jordan pierce

“I feel like I need to lower my standards because they’re impossible to reach.”

I have heard this hundreds of times. Maybe not these exact words, but definitely sentiments expressing the same fear. No matter what the standard is for, a job, a relationship, a dream. It is so easy feel like you will never be able to get what you want at the caliber that you want it. But our God is a God of incredible caliber.

Now, if you pray for a husband who is 6’3”, has a perfectly chiseled face, is a doctor, and also volunteers at the animal shelter every Sunday, God may not give you that perfectly to order. (I mean, He may, I don’t know His plans). But He is a good father. This means he wants to give you what you ask for, but it doesn’t mean He will. He will give you what’s best for you over what you want every single day. 

El Deah: The God who knows.

This is a Hebrew name of God. We serve an all-knowing Father. Sometimes when we ask for something, we don’t know exactly what we are asking for. When we pray about getting invited to that party, we don't know the danger that lies ahead. When we pray for that job, we don’t know about that verbally abusive boss. Continue to talk to God and ask him for things, but trust in His answers.

Think about it this way, when a child picks up scissors and starts running around the house with them, a good parent would quickly take those scissors away. The child wanted to play with them, but they didn’t understand the negative repercussions that would lay ahead if they were to have fallen. The parent knows the danger far out weighs the good that could have come from that situation. The parent, having way more knowledge, would be able to see the potential for harm or destruction so they took away the source of that destruction. The same is with God. He wants you to have a good, fun, exciting life.

But He is not willing to compromise what’s best for you for a destructive desire that you have.

Stop looking at others with jealousy thinking, “I will never have what they have. They’re the lucky one who got exactly what they wanted.” This will tempt you to lower your standards and settle for less than the Lord’s best for you. Based on the fear of not getting exactly your desire, you will settle for the next best thing. Maybe that thing isn’t necessarily bad, but it won’t be best for you. There is importance is setting up Godly expectations for your life. 

When you are pursuing anything, the standard to which you should measure it is God and His standards. 

When you begin to doubt that God can deliver on your dream, you are doubting the ability of God. I have caught myself doing the same thing in my life. I will doubt my big dreams and the things God has clearly called me to, but I am afraid they won’t happen. Like somehow the Lord gave me a dream, is preparing me for it, and then suddenly He’s going to say, “HA! GOTCHA!! I wasn’t going to actually give you what I said I would. Here’s something less than your best.. enjoy.” This fear sounds crazy when it’s written out like this, but it is so real. It will tempt you to settle for less than your God-sized dream.

When you doubt your God-sized dream you are putting our limitless God in a box. 

Stick to the standard He has written out for you. Don’t settle for less than the best for you because God has promised His best for you. God’s best may not be exactly what you imagined, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. When you pray for an answer, sometimes you get an answer you didn’t want, but that doesn’t mean you are a “bad Christian”. That just means God has something better for you. 

Don’t settle for less than because you are afraid God won’t give you His best. NEVER allow fear to dictate any of your actions. We are not called to a spirit of fear. When Jesus ascended into heaven, He left us with the Holy Spirit. This is the greatest tool we could ever ask for. When you are making decisions, the Holy Spirit will guide you in the way the Lord is calling you. Rely on this “gut feeling” when making decisions. When you feel uneasy about something, sit back and wonder why you are feeling this way. Ask for Him to reveal to you His best. He is faithful to do so.