Why wait?

why wait? why wait to share the gospel and the good new of Jesus Christ when the world around you, the people around you are living in darkness? if you have light, wouldn’t you want to share with the people in the dark? if you truly love someone and you see a freight train coming for them wouldn’t you do everything you could to save them? why do we not view faith the same way?

we are called to live for Jesus and in that rightful living, show others His grace and love and goodness. we can tend to be so caught up in waiting for “the right time” we allow an opportunity to pass us by. I know for myself I have allowed the fear of timing stand in the way of sharing Jesus with someone. helpful hint: our God is outside of time. He can work in any time and in any place. searching for the “right time” can sometimes be a scapegoat for someone who is fearful.

“This was according to the eternal purpose that he has realized in Christ Jesus our Lord, in who we have BOLDNESS and access with CONFIDENCE through out faith in him. So I ask you not to lose heart over what I am suffering for you, which is your glory.” -Ephesians 3:11-13

we are called to live boldly, which when you are truly following Jesus is not hard. when we are living how we are called to, people will notice. when we are living in the unity of the body of Christ we stand out among the brokenness in the world. when we are living in the love of Christ we stand out among the hate in the world. when we are living in the grace of Christ we stand out among the spite in the world. when we are living in the joy of Christ we stand out in the mediocrity in the world.

it is not hard to stand out when you are following Christ, but it can be hard to be bold. it can be hard to take that leap of faith and ask that friend to go to church with you. it can be hard to tell your aunt who hates Jesus that you are praying for her. but again, if a freight train was heading toward someone, especially someone you love, aren’t you going to do anything you can to save them?

thirty seconds of awkward is worth the potential of saving someone from that freight train.